Maple Syrup Canada

Maple Syrup From Canada

Maple syrup is one of the defining products from Canada. Sweet like our general disposition and full of flavour and history, it is no wonder why people are searching for real maple syrup from Canada.

If you are looking for the best Canadian maple syrup, you have come to the right place. The maple syrup from Maple Roch is steeped in Canadian tradition and is made in the purest way, in hopes that you will taste maple syrup the way it is supposed to taste.

We want our syrup to taste like it was tapped from the tree and boiled right in front of you, Canadian style.

Maple syrup Canada

Maple Syrup in Canada

Maple syrup in Canada has a story that Roch, owner of Maple Roch, wants to share with the world.

Why does Canada have the best maple syrup?

One of the reasons why Canada has the best maple syrup is because of the climate. Maple trees, which abundantly grow in several parts of Canada, need cold winters to store their precious sap in the roots and warm springs so the sap travels up the tree.

When spring comes, that sap travels up the maple trees to give life to the buds for new maple leaves to grow; however, during the time where the weather is still cold at night that sap returns to the ground. This action of the sap going up the tree in the warm spring days and back down to the ground at night when it is still cold produces a pump-like action.

This is the only time when we can harvest the sap; when the tree is pumping. Canadian weather is perfect for this harvesting window: our winters are very cold, and in spring, it takes a while for the days to become warm enough that it spills over into warm nights as well. This is the best weather for maple syrup harvesting and this is why Canada has the best maple syrup.

Read more about how we harvest maple syrup here

Meet Roch, the owner of Maple Roch

Roch Fortin is a veteran Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who was stationed in Northern New Brunswick Canada. He was witness to the maple craftsmanship in the region and was impressed by the passion, technique, and attention to detail by the maple producing families there, who passed the tradition down from generation to generation.

For several years, Roch worked and lived side by side with the people of Northern New Brunswick until he retired. At his retirement farewell, he made a promise to help the people he had come to know and respect.

He met two very hard working maple-producing families who harnessed incredible skill and passion and decided to launch Maple Roch, offering the highest quality maple syrup harvested by these families.

Watch Roch's story here:

Maple Roch maple syrup | Canada

In 2012 Maple Roch started his Canadian maple syrup business with 6 barrels and now has a multitude of maple products that are still produced with syrup from the same maple families.

With his environmental approach, he found ways for his packaging to reflect his conservation practices by offering compostable, recyclable and reusable containers.

Roch was a Director of the Summerland, British Columbia Food Bank & Resource Centre and continues his dedication to help clients with a range of different needs find gainful experience. He provides numerous employment and mentorship opportunities whenever possible.

Maple Roch is not just a business; it is a social enterprise-based model and is an environmental ally.

Discover pure maple syrup from Canada

Our maple syrup is sustainably harvested from maple trees in the pristine Appalachian forests that grow in rich, montane soils in Canada. This is your chance to sample what purity tastes like.

Our Canadian maple syrup is single forest, meaning it is not mixed with other syrups or fillers. This allows our maple syrup to taste just as it should; as if it were harvested from the tree and boiled right in front of you.

Best maple syrup Canada

Our Canadian maple syrup is:

  • Organic
  • Has no additives
  • Unblended
  • Single forest
  • Farm to table
  • Naturally vegan
  • Naturally healthy
  • Reusable containers
  • Canada grade A product

If you are looking for maple syrup from Canada, we are 100% Canadian sourced, owned and operated and want you to experience why Canadian maple syrup has worldwide reputation.

Find a variety of bottles, freezable bags, glass jars, decorative gift jars and containers of our Canadian maple syrup here.

We hope you found the best maple syrup in Canada here, and we invite you to connect with us to learn more, and to watch our maple events! You can follow us on our Instagram right here.

We are also on Pinterest, so you can pin our image below to your vegan, healthy food, sweet treats or organic foods Pinterest board. We would appreciate that support!

Best Maple Syrup Canada


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